Sunday, May 30, 2010


Rosmin Amjad
Eng 101
My Research Experience

I did my research paper on Peaches. At first I was very confused about my research paper. When the professor said to research about our chosen topics, I went on Google and found articles about peaches and the benefits. Later professor said the do the research beyond what I have done for the first time. She said to include several topics such as how politics is involved in the production of peaches, what kind of pesticides are used and how are they harmful to us. When did the research about all those areas, I took my research paper to a new level.
When I started researching again I did not knew which websites were reliable and used as a strong sources. It was very frustrating at the beginning because the websites that came up at first were not genuine. Gradually after three or four hours of research I was able to distinguish which of the information was reliable.
I learned so much in doing my research paper. The things I learned while doing my research are as follows:
1. Using genuine and reliable sources such as books.
2. Going to library and finding the right sources for the research paper.
3. The website of CUNY library.
4. MLA Citation.
5. I went to get tutoring for my grammar at LAGCC tutoring center.
6. I learned that peaches are the worst conventional fruits with maximum number if pesticides in them.
7. I learned how the politics is involved in the peach production
8. I found how the migrant farm workers are being abused.
9. How to use pictures and graphs in my paper.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

counter argument

Despite of this fact, the federal and state agencies admits that, “Pesticides pose no threat” to the health of farm workers. According to them there’s no reason to assume the farmworkers are in danger. But neither the federal Environmental Protection Agency nor state health agencies have done any research to investigate whether the statements they have given are actually true (Clarren). However there are some non-profit organizations such as Farm Health and Safety Institute, National Center for Farm Health, Farmworker Justice, and United Farm Workers are working for migrant farm workers safety. They are developing programs to improve safety of migrant and seasonal farm workers. For instance, the Farm Health and Safety Institute organized an educational training program about how to mix and apply the pesticides safely (Info Barrel).